Thursday, August 23, 2012


This is what I wrote 12 years ago, when I was still believing that Japanese people are much more sophisticated and civilized.

It's a big task for the people all over the world, how to live as an individual, when all the things we believed in are tumbling down, like Marxism has given way, like Myth of Protestantism Ethos is falling down.

We could easily imagine that the importance of "Individual" becomes bigger along with the world getting no boundary.
We are going forward since RENE DESCARTES's DUALISM having our BON SENS left somewhere, and still have a mission to go on proceeding.
We are in the vicious circle that we have the big assignment how to make good use of modern technology such as Nuclear or Biotechnology for the world peace, while we produce welfare problems for the increased aged people in return with the progress in Medical Science or radical Nationalism shows up with ELITISM of the people mistaking EUGENICS.

From the view point that we became close to GOD increasing al mightiness since mankind started to use tools.
People finally began seeking after the ETHOS for POST MODERN, having something nihilistic that natural resources exhausting.

Even if Japan's remarkable progress in economy is based on the lack of individuality unexpectedly, in another word we became Robots and worked too much adopting RATIONALISM to SHAME CULTURE which Ruth Benedict expressed in her book.
We have so many factors to learn from it and as an experiment it was excellent, that I think there must be something hidden here, the key to find a new PARADIGM.

That is to say we could see the contact point in between Oriental World and Occidental World , the former is based on Naturalism and had an amazing progress in reproductions in Japan and the latter is on Humanism and had perfect contribution to Science.

It is a pressing need for us leading our history to seek after our ways, to NEO RENAISSANCE for the coming 21st Century, thinking over on forgotten BON SENS and mistook FREEDOM.

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