Monday, August 27, 2012


This is what I wrote 12 years ago, when I was still believing that Japanese people are much more sophisticated and civilized. 

Why Japanese people are always seeking after the different characteristicks while world is seeking after the common characteristicks. The reason why is, Japnese people are not individually independent, when the way for integration is blocked what people could do is only differenciation, just like one way traffic. In other words, when the contraction side is closed only way left is expansion. That is because Japanese society is always disturbing Japnese people from being individually independent.

It is said that Japanese society based on "Sintoism" or "Emperor System" usually called "mura-shakai" or "seken" is a sort of premature society composed like the emperor as a big farthar and the people as family members, therefore people could feel protected always and people could satisfy their safety and security desire without facing the fear or danger, as well as with their environmental factors such as island country or only one race in one nation or hadn't been penetrated from other countries.

Japnese people lost an oppotunity to become individually independent with those lucky conditions, so that the society became safety blanket like what we call "amae" as it were spoilt children or fawn like always expecting for other's generosity, consideration or a favour.

Moreover, after Meiji Restoration and even after World War Two, Japanese people were smart enough to cope with the incoming medern civilization happened to be the western culture to protect that comfortable society so called "amae no kouzou" or "immature stracture" by using the double standard called " honne" as the right mind and "tatemae" as the principle or the rule, one of the biggest National Idiosyncracys, without noticing independent individual was the most importnat factor of the modern civilization only because it's comfortable.

It was the story how Japanese people blocked the way for persuit after universality, covering themselves with the shell called "seken" exclusive and premature society.

What Japan needs now is spiritual renovation to take away the obstacles for getting universal. This is something like a spiritual big bang taking off to macro cosmos, there's no other way left for Japnese to survive the world.

Hopefully we could do it all by ourselves this time, what we need is a spiritual big bang not a physical big bang since indipendence is something to achieve not to be given.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


This is what I wrote 12 years ago, when I was still believing that Japanese people are much more sophisticated and civilized. 

The biggest mistake I've ever made in the last fifty years in my life is to misunderstand Japanese people more logically organized, that the difference between what I think is modern civilization and what the majority of Japanese people think.

Japanese people still use the explanation whenever they make comments on the originality of Japanese culture, that the main differnce in western culture is it's christianity background and that is making Japan suffer from lack of Independent individuals among Japanese people. This is somewhat correct but, couldn't be an excuse for the fact that they are unable to distinguish their native problems and world's common problems, since modern civilization is the result of human sagacity and wisdom against something absolute so called "GOD".

Japanese people seem to be unaware of the basic principle of the modern civilization, and even difference between culture and civilization. Although civilization always brings the homogenization, yet basically it has nothing to do with native culture.

Japanese people are said to be sentimental and unlogical, that is because Japanese people lost the chance to learn that the modern civilization is the result of philosophical thoughts over centuries and remained somewhat pre-modern on certain aspects.

modern civilization is quite logically composed. The persuit after almightiness made out factorization which is the key factor of science or logic and eventually lead to the persuit after universality through indivisible individual.

As a result Japanese people is incapable of logical communication since they become too much sentimental whenever it comes to the part leads to a certain contradiction of their self constructed logic and to lose logical insistency and start all of a sudden to look for the different characteristicks instead of common characteristicks.

Japanese people is not good at objectify themselves relatively or comparatively as far as their mentality is concerned because of their sentimentality. Therefore Japanese people would always escape from social science and run into natural science because that's the only place they could objectify things without facing their mentality.

It might take three more generations for Japanese people to notice what we lack and need, and it was my big mistake to seek after the ethos for post modern while we don't have anything modern still yet.

Friday, August 24, 2012


This is what I wrote 12 years ago, when I was still believing that Japanese people are much more sophisticated and civilized.

Japan has been absorbing western culture after Meiji Restoration in 1868 and World War II, and now is facing 21st century embracing so many problems unsolved. Whenever we talk on internationality, the attitude to solve the specific problems is always needed before coping with universal ones.

If our national idiosyncrasy "the Japanese Spirit & Western Learning" is keeping us away from approaching universal internationality, we should search for a remedy for it how long it would take, avoiding taking it as just a matter of personal social adaptation, without averting from it.

There must be something wrong with the methodology, that Truth, Goodness and Beauty does not link one another with Food, Clothing and Shelter in Japan at present. 

That is to say, we cant make use of the things we learned in school in the  society.

its not only because Japanee spirit and western learning(what we call wakon yousai) but also because the fact Japan has remained un secularized good or bad , bad of course.

Therefore, it might be too late but, we should start solving our specific problems first if any, thinking on universal international for the coming 21st century, through the diversity of factors "ITALIAN RENAISSANCE" is presenting us.

Renaissance is a complex of cultural movements, and it is said that inter diciplinal research is needed for it's diversity of factors, socially and culturally, including "PURSUIT OF ORIGIN".
We could dare say that we could not talk on any subject without researching on Renaissance since our predecessors summed up "LIBERTY", "EQUALITY" and "FRATERNITY" with "RENAISSANCE" as a momentum, and gave a lot of influence on "FRENCH REVOLUTION", "ESTABLISHMENT OF THE U.S.A." and as a result to "JAPANESE CONSTITUTION".

What we would like to propose here is to focus on Renaissance as Re-Birth, having one cultural revival movement occurred in Italy 500 years ago as a media, and think over what Renaissance is telling us, not only researching on historical facts but also how we could apply those to the present days.
That is to say, how we reflect Truth, Goodness and Beauty to Food, Clothing and Shelter.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


This is what I wrote 12 years ago, when I was still believing that Japanese people are much more sophisticated and civilized.

It's a big task for the people all over the world, how to live as an individual, when all the things we believed in are tumbling down, like Marxism has given way, like Myth of Protestantism Ethos is falling down.

We could easily imagine that the importance of "Individual" becomes bigger along with the world getting no boundary.
We are going forward since RENE DESCARTES's DUALISM having our BON SENS left somewhere, and still have a mission to go on proceeding.
We are in the vicious circle that we have the big assignment how to make good use of modern technology such as Nuclear or Biotechnology for the world peace, while we produce welfare problems for the increased aged people in return with the progress in Medical Science or radical Nationalism shows up with ELITISM of the people mistaking EUGENICS.

From the view point that we became close to GOD increasing al mightiness since mankind started to use tools.
People finally began seeking after the ETHOS for POST MODERN, having something nihilistic that natural resources exhausting.

Even if Japan's remarkable progress in economy is based on the lack of individuality unexpectedly, in another word we became Robots and worked too much adopting RATIONALISM to SHAME CULTURE which Ruth Benedict expressed in her book.
We have so many factors to learn from it and as an experiment it was excellent, that I think there must be something hidden here, the key to find a new PARADIGM.

That is to say we could see the contact point in between Oriental World and Occidental World , the former is based on Naturalism and had an amazing progress in reproductions in Japan and the latter is on Humanism and had perfect contribution to Science.

It is a pressing need for us leading our history to seek after our ways, to NEO RENAISSANCE for the coming 21st Century, thinking over on forgotten BON SENS and mistook FREEDOM.